17 October, 2006

Price Gouging Doesn't Exist!

Santa Claus. The Easter Bunny. The Boogie Man.
Price Gouging.
Elves, Peter Cottontail, Zombies.
Evil, price gouging, profiteering, heartless businessmen looking to screw the helpless.

All myths.

Price gouging, as it is defined by the knee jerk whiners, is businesspeople charging prices that seem unfair, in a supposed attempt to make money off of other people's misfortunes.
I say, no way.

Businesspeople are in business to make money. This is true of any business. Not one businessperson out there is willing to take a serious hit in profits for long term or stop making money. Businesspeople that use these tactics are not businesspeople, they are failures that are filing bankruptcy.

If people really thought that a price is unfair, they wouldn't pay it. If you have noticed, however, people that complain of being "price gouged" are still paying for that product. They must not have too much of a problem with the price. They just don't want to have to be an active, responsible consumer.

Laziness. A mark of the follower.

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