...And the Democrats are not that far behind.
History is cyclical in many respects. Politics have no exception.
Step 1: Have youthful ideals that challenge the bloated, unethical status quo.
Step 2: Run for office based on these youthful ideals.
Step 3: Use limited power to influence the status quo, promoting your ideals.
Step 4: Use this "reformist" track record to gain more power.
Step 5: Height of your power, you do what you feel is morally right.
Step 4: Begin to despise "reforms" that limit your continued power growth.
Step 3: Use power in an effort to gain more power than ever, because you have tasted authority and it consumes your efforts like pure heroin.
Step 2: Abandon all your youthful ideals in an effort to gain more power.
Step 1: Become the bloated, unethical status quo you fought so hard against.
Sound familiar?
It should, because it chronicles, among other things, the Republican party's journey over the past 20 or so years.
It began with people like Ronald Reagan... a conservative idealogue who stood for hardline capitalism in the face of communism, limited government intervention with the free market, and reduced socialist welfare programs, coupled with fiscal responsibility among other things.
Now we have George W. Bush, a deformed mockery of Reagan. A conservative failure who's programs have given crony benefits to reduce free market competition (such as no bid contracts), and reduced fiscal responsibility by cutting taxes while increasing expenditures.
It's like the evolution chart backwards. Oh, sorry. No evolution. Evolution is bad. Shouldn't connect it with Republicans, so instead...
It's like the Roman Empire (they believe in that, right?)
That's why I vote for and support the libertarian cause... we haven't had the power to corrupt us, have we??? Besides, we promote social liberty and fiscal responsibility. We let the free market do all that it can. If you truly believe in America's greatness, and the individual's right to TRUE freedom, then you are a closet Libertarian. I know many Dems and Reps that are closer to the Libertarian viewpoint, but stick with the 2 big parties.
Don't be like them. Embrace you opinion. Be enthusiastic with your individuality. Don't follow the crowd!!!
18 October, 2006
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AH! well i think you posted this one just to offend me! you did it on purpsose, and it is vindictive and uncalled for! just kidding! i agree with most points but not all...im sorry i still hold to the left wing!
Kind of off topic, but why doesnt the government either support or increase funding on alternate fuel sources? what do you see happening in the future?
Full disclosure... I don't agree with government spending in many areas, and environmentalism and alternate fuel sources is one of them. When public demand for these products gets high enough (say, $5 per gallon gasoline), then the public at large will purchase these products. When people buy more of them, suppy goes up. Price reaches a new equilibrium. And gasoline will become obsolete.
No amount of government cash thrown at this will change any of this, or speed it up.
The free market will eventually take us away from gasoline, just as the free market took us to in years ago. Government intervention is wholly inappropriate, and will serve to only further muddle the mess.
When people really care about the environment, they can and will make choices to help it. If you are concerned about the environment, do something about it on a personal level and encourage others to do similarly.
Ride a bike. Buy an ethanol-readly car. Use solar panels on your house.
Or, shut up.
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